City Link Event: Ho Chi Minh – Kuala Lumpur
Weekend is here! Don't know where to fly yet? How about crossing the gulf of Thailand, from Vietnam to Malaysia? With full ATC coverage, the vACC Vietnam - Cambodia - Laos and Malaysia vACC are hosting a City Link Event… Continue Reading…
Light Up South East Asia
Hello Captains! Pleased to be informed that VATSIM SouthEast Asia (VATSEA) will be having a Light Up South East Asia 2020 event, focusing Ho Chi Minh City (VVTS). The details of the event are as follows; Date: 27 June 2020 Time:… Continue Reading…
Penang Fully Staffed 8 Aug 2020
We're slowly resuming our events and this time, we're supporting our neighbour VATSIM Singapore vACC on their Single Runway Ops event. Join us as Penang will be fully staffed during that time!
Newbie’s Night! [WBKK-WBGG]
No pilots left behind! Calling for all newbie pilots out there, we have a special event for you all! Join us as we are going to have a full ATC coverage in both Kota Kinabalu International Airport and Kuching International… Continue Reading…
[31 August |1300z-1600z] Merdeka Fly In
Malaysia vACC would like to invite all to join our Merdeka Fly In event on 31st August, at 2100 hrs local time, in conjunction with Malaysia's National Day. Kuala Lumpur FIR will be lighted up to welcome all traffics on… Continue Reading…
[16 September |1300z-1600z] Borneo Fly In
In conjunction with Malaysia Day, we will be opening up Kinabalu FIR to staff the two busiest airports in East Malaysia! So come join us and fly in to any of these 2 airports. Featured Airports: WBKK – Kota Kinabalu International… Continue Reading…
One-Way Citylink from Kota Kinabalu (WBKK) to Subic Bay (RPLB)
Announcing our first event with Sputnik Aviation! Hot off the heels of our Malaysia Day Borneo Fly-In, this time Kinabalu will be alive again with this KK - Subic Bay Citylink. Come join us from 1200z till 1600z. Proposed routing… Continue Reading…
City Link: Ho Chi Minh – Kuala Lumpur
Weekend is here! Don't know where to fly yet? How about crossing the gulf of Thailand, from Vietnam to Malaysia? With full ATC coverage, the vACC Vietnam - Cambodia - Laos and Malaysia MYvACC is hosting a City Link Event… Continue Reading…
Ayubowan Malaysia | Colombo, Maldives to Malaysia
Malaysia vACC together with Sri Lanka & Maldives vACC will be hosting an event "Ayubowan Malaysia" on 21st November 2020 (Saturday). Expect full ATC Services in Colombo and Maldives, starting from 1000z until 1600z all the way to Malaysia! Kuala… Continue Reading…
Light Up South East Asia
Hello Captains! Pleased to be informed that VATSIM SouthEast Asia (VATSEA) will be having a Light Up South East Asia 2020 event, focusing Kuala Lumpur (WMKK). The details of the event are as follows; Date: 28 November 2020 Time: 2000HRS-0100HRS (GMT+8) Focusing… Continue Reading…
City Pair Event: Sabah – Ho Chi Minh City
Vietnam-Cambodia-Laos vACC and Malaysia vACC are proud to present you the city pair event between Ho Chi Minh City and Kota Kinabalu on the 19th December 2020. The same airway M768 will be used for both directions, so get your… Continue Reading…
Bhalo Bashi Kolkata
Kolkata, a city of famous historical sites, beautiful temples and splendid architectures beckons! Join us on 13/03/2021 from Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur all the way across the Bay of Bengal to the historical city of Kolkata. For details and… Continue Reading…